Parent Work Day

Parents, let's get to work!

Hello Nia House Folks!

Parent Work Day: Saturday, April 9th, 9am-1pm

We have so much to do tomorrow! Here's the scoop- we will landscape the toddler yard, sand and finish tables, deep clean, and prune and weed. If you plan to come and you have any of the following things, please bring them: electric sander, sheers/garden clippers, and your own gardening gloves. Oh, and a raincoat! We will work inside and out, rain or shine. 

Thanks everyone! I look forward to seeing you. If you can only come for part of the day, that is just fine. Come connect with other parents in the community. Please remember, work days are just for adults. 

Looking forward to it!




Berkeley Project Day!

A huge & heartfelt thank you to the Berkeley Project Day and Nia House Parent Volunteers that came out on Saturday. We started painting the playhouse, built new planter boxes, pruned, and more! Your help makes a big difference.

If you could't make it, but still want to help out, worry not! Contact Stacey for ways you can get involved. 

Saturday's Parent Work Day: A Beautiful Success!

Thank you to everyone that came out on Saturday to help landscape our new campus. It looks beautiful! We had an amazing turn out of parents. It was especially nice to spend time with the new families starting in the fall. 

Some of the days highlights included: Wiley and Ariel digging with babies, Fermina and Daza, on their back. Tara, a proclaimed black thumb, successfully planted two thriving passion fruit plants. Lisa and Aidan scored a few plant donations from East Bay Nursery. The children helped to dig, plant, and water plants. It truly was a feel good day. 

Big props to Scott, Esme's dad, for helping to mastermind the project and for all the work.

Cindy, Alison's mom, provided baked breads, coffee, and pizza for all!  A very warm thank you for your generosity.  

Berkeley Project Day and Parent Work Day- Success!

On Saturday Nia House hosted a very successful Berkeley Project Day and Parent Work Day. Windows were washed, repairs made, plants pruned, walls painted and more. In short, Nia House was bustling!

Thank you parents for your hard work and presence to your children’s school. Brazil and Xochi were proud to know that their mom, Pilar, painted the walls. Daphne lit up when she learned that her dad, Chris, changed the light bulbs! Though the children weren’t present at the workday, they observe the school improvements and also appreciate your help.

Berkeley Project Day volunteers, we appreciate your enthusiasm and hard work. It is invaluable to have community members support our work. We hope you had fun and know that you are always welcome back. We certainly enjoyed you all.