Saturday's Parent Work Day: A Beautiful Success!

Thank you to everyone that came out on Saturday to help landscape our new campus. It looks beautiful! We had an amazing turn out of parents. It was especially nice to spend time with the new families starting in the fall. 

Some of the days highlights included: Wiley and Ariel digging with babies, Fermina and Daza, on their back. Tara, a proclaimed black thumb, successfully planted two thriving passion fruit plants. Lisa and Aidan scored a few plant donations from East Bay Nursery. The children helped to dig, plant, and water plants. It truly was a feel good day. 

Big props to Scott, Esme's dad, for helping to mastermind the project and for all the work.

Cindy, Alison's mom, provided baked breads, coffee, and pizza for all!  A very warm thank you for your generosity.  

Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974