Thank you

New School Year on a Brand New Yard!

A heartfelt thank you to the Lemire family for donating their time, expertise, and love to Nia House's yard transformation. The community is overjoyed, especially the children! The yard changes include new picnic tables in the quiet area, poured rubber around the climbing structures, a bigger sand box, boulders for climbing and jumping, grass, and more! Enjoy this sneak peek in the preschool's first day of school. 

We look forward to a wonderful year! 


Berkeley Project Day!

A huge & heartfelt thank you to the Berkeley Project Day and Nia House Parent Volunteers that came out on Saturday. We started painting the playhouse, built new planter boxes, pruned, and more! Your help makes a big difference.

If you could't make it, but still want to help out, worry not! Contact Stacey for ways you can get involved. 

The Fun was Raised!

A quick and huge- Thank you!!!! to the Nia House community for all the hard work and good energy put into Saturday’s Yard Sale. The day was, indeed, a fun raiser.

The event was smashing. There was much bouncing, BBQ, beer, and bargains! Our yard adorned with your stuff staged impromptu dress-up and raked in nearly $4,000.

Thank you to our many donors. We are grateful for the investment the community at large makes in early childhood education through Nia House.