
Viv & Rae Return!

Viv & Rae have been volunteering at Nia House this summer. It has been such a great treat and help to have them here. They demonstrate an intuitive understanding of what needs to get done to make the school day flow. From setting out beds, moving boxes, to quietly sitting with a small group of children- they have enthusiastically done it all.

 Enjoy this interview of Viv and Rae’s memories of their years at Nia House.

Memories of Nia House Learning Center

  • Collecting clumps of sand in the sand box
  • Playing in the teepee
  • Piñatas and sesame honey treats
  • Tita’s mango sticky rice
  • Eating ants too!
  • Cinnamon catching a bee in her pant legs!

 Do still maintain Nia House friendships?

Of course- Michael and Jesse, Anjali, Ella and Oscar, Anika and Tia.

How is it to be back at NH?

  •  It’s fun to be back at Nia House and to help!
  • Everything seems tiny!
  • I remember learning to cross the monkey bars.
  • I remember a sign up to have lunch with the toddlers- fun!! Lunch with Jeanie…
  • I remember having to sit and finish lunch while others were playing.

Most important things learned…

Viv: When it comes to school work and learning, having your own speed is ok!

Rae: To respect other people and who they are, and to respect other people’s way of learning.

 How are things different, or the same?

 DifferentLunch is in the quiet area, not at the picnic tables.

The same- toddlers are cute. 

Some things never change- look at this picture of Viv and Rae! Toddlers are, indeed, cute.

Thank you, Viv and Rae, for all your help! You are wonderful role models for the Nia House children.