represent nia house love

Represent Nia House Love


My car bumper is now adorned with a hot new "I Heart NH" sticker! To get this, I am giving $5 monthly to Nia House. As much as I would love to give more, making large donations is never an option for me. Yet, $5 directly withdrawn from my bank account or added to tuition, that is doable. 

As fresh as the sticker is, I do not make this small donation for the sticker. I make a little donation, each month, because I know it can make a difference. Nia House makes quality early childhood education accessible to families of every economic background. I want to give to this. 

My donation will only make a difference if we do this together. Many folks giving just a little bit more can have a big impact. Join in! Get your friends and family to get on board with grassroots giving.  

Ways to give: You can donate monthly online by clicking the button below. You can add $5+ to your tuition. We will also be signing up for "I Heart Nia House" at Farm Burger on Tuesday, February 13th