new friends

First Day of School!


Today was an historic day for Nia House, marking the integration of new and old.

The old Nia House children welcomed new friends and practiced the formality of a greeting, including a handshake, name exchange, and a “nice to meet you.” Many of the children’s old friends returned today, to resume the games and works they left off with a week ago, the same old sandbox and playhouse, joined now, by new friends.


Our old office and former toddler wing have beautiful new oak flooring and are prepared for preschool children that will comprise a second new class. The old preschool classrooms remain, anchoring the children to something familiar- their home away from home.

It feels almost as though our old campus simply unfolded, opening into a new and naturally integrated, yet contemporary campus. Our new toddler classrooms have children inside!

It is heartwarming to know that the Nia House experience will be available to many more children and families. Within our beautiful new light filled classrooms and our familiar and established campus, the children of Nia House embarked today on their first day of school for the 2015-16 year. 

Thank you, Denise Hall Montgomery, our architect and Nia House alum mother, for envisioning this new campus. Everyone that walks into the office and classrooms from parents, to staff, to the children feel so pleased. You did a beautiful job. Please check out some of Denise's other projects:

Thank you teachers and staff for working so hard over the past week and weekends to prepare the school. It feels amazing.

Finally, thank you Eve for guiding us all through this process with such grace and vision.

Welcome to all the families, new and old! We are thrilled to merge our big Nia House family community. It is going to be a special year.

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

It is a bittersweet day today at Nia House. With confidence and love we send off our graduates, Brazil, Damian, Dashiell, and Olin. We know they have learned the invaluable skills of how to make a friend, solve conflicts peacefully, advocate, concentrate, work independently, and leave with a love of learning. 

Allen, Alyna, Celeste, Nathaniel, and O'Brien are off to Kindergarten or another preschool program. We have loved having you here at Nia House. We have certainly grown and felt great joy in knowing you.  

Thank you all for being valuable members of our community. Visit us soon!