farm burger berkeley

I Heart Nia House Sticker: Get yours. & Thank you, Farm Burger!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone that came out to Farm Burger to celebrate their Nia House love. What a beautiful turn-out! The line was out the door for a solid two hours. 

Thank you to Farm Burger for supporting communities coming together and for giving to local schools. Stay tuned for a summer night at Farm Burger. 

Get your Nia House Sticker!

Thank you to all who signed up for for "I Heart NH" and got their bumper sticker! 

This bumper sticker, designed by Jordan (Parker's dad), can be yours!

You can give to Nia House's scholarship funds through small monthly giving. Sign up for $5/month (or more!), get this sticker and the satisfaction of making quality education accessible to all families.  

84 families giving $5 each month raises $5040 in scholarship funds. 

Sign up online for automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account. For more information click here.

I Heart Nia House Love Launch


We hope you can come out and celebrate your Nia House love on the eve of Valentine's Day.

A little from our hosts, Farm Burger.

Our burgers are made from grassfed beef, dry-aged and ground fresh. Our cattle are fattened and finished on sweet grass, never fed antibiotics or growth hormones, and always humanely raised and handled. Our menu is chef-driven, seasonal, and sourced from local farms. Our space is convivial and comfortable – because eating is a celebration to be shared. Our food makes ethical eating easy.

Farm Burger will give 10% of all proceeds from the evening to Nia House. Spread the word! Help raise money for Nia House by eating local, ethically, deliciously, in a kid-friendly environment, and with the best company (us)! 

This event will also launch our I Heart Nia House monthly giving campaign. Stay tuned.  

Check out this new sticker that Jordan designed (Click the sticker to learn how to get yours):