
Thank you, Ashby Lumber


A big thanks to Ashby Lumber for their donation of $200 of and generous discount on wood to Nia House. With this gift, Mark (Brian’s dad) will build cubbies for the expansion. Rick of Ashby Lumber took a great deal of time to describe options and offered valuable expertise to our project.

We are so lucky to have neighbors like Ashby Lumber. Every donation we receive contributes to the service of quality education we provide. Thank you Ashby Lumber for supporting the work of Nia House. We encourage the Nia House community to get your wood and hardware at Ashby Lumber.

Thank you Ashby Lumber & thanks to Mark!

Made For & By Nia House

Bill Savidge is back at it again- making tables for the Nia House children. On Saturday, a group of dedicated and talented parents, and grandparent, got together to build new tables for our new classrooms.

Grandfather to Julian, Bill’s children also attended Nia House. When he was a parent, Bill built many of the tables that the children still use today.

Tim, Elliot’s dad, graciously opened up his beautiful, sunlit, Emeryville warehouse for the table making to happen. Tim shared, “A wonderfully productive day at the shop! 31 table tops cut, jigged out and lovingly hand sanded. Salvaged copper legs in the works. Stay tuned!”

Thank you to all who gave your Saturday to this exciting project. It is incredibly meaningful to know that the tabletops upon which the children work were lovingly made by our community.