Vanessa Callaghan

Navigating Child Meltdowns, A Free Workshop for Parents



Saturday, March 16th 9-11am

A FREE hands-on workshop experience with Vanessa Callaghan, MEd.

In this workshop, learn to...

  • RECOVER after overreacting,

  • TALK so your kids will listen,

  • LISTEN for the needs behind the behavior,

  • TAKE ACTION to build mutual respect.

"Working with Vanessa was like a breath of fresh air. I realized things didn't have to be so crazy. I didn't have to keep asking if my child's behavior was normal or not. She helped me find my calm and be more clear on how to set limits and hold the line with love. I don't know what I would have done without her help!" -MM

Complimentary coffee, tea, and community! Hosted by Nia House Learning Center, in Berkeley, CA.

Limited childcare is available for currently and formerly enrolled Nia House students, contact  

Vanessa Callaghan, MEd. is a proven Bay Area educator known for her refreshingly honest, hands-on, and personal approach. She empowers parents with high-quality tools so they can build a lifelong relationship based on respect, appreciation, and love.

Be sure to RESERVE YOUR SEAT…space is limited!

Gratitude Practices at Nia House

[Schools] must foster a new understanding of the real values of humanity and gratitude must be felt for those workers upon whom human life depends. If man is not appreciated... how can we expect or hope that men will become friends and work in peaceful collaboration?”
— Montessori, A New World and Education, p. 3
In the images above, Ryder and Sara are offering Lamont, our mail carrier, a certificate of appreciation and hand drawn pictures as an expression of gratitude. He was expressively touched, with his hand on his chest, he said, "We need more moments o…

In the images above, Ryder and Sara are offering Lamont, our mail carrier, a certificate of appreciation and hand drawn pictures as an expression of gratitude. He was expressively touched, with his hand on his chest, he said, "We need more moments of love like this." 

Vanessa Callaghan presented to the parent community her work with gratitude practices here at Nia House. The preschool children were exposed to stories, art projects, and theatrical expressions, all in the framework of bringing gratitude into the consciousness and vernacular of our children. 

Here is a link the presentation Vanessa shared. It is full of resources and gratitude practices to incorporate at home. 

Key Gratitude Concepts

(from Vanessa's presentation):

  • Practice Everyday Gratitude: You can choose to be grateful in different ways everyday. 
  • See More Good: You can notice more things to be grateful for and train your brain to look for good things.
  • There Are Many Ways to Show Thanks: Saying 'thanks' is just one way to show your gratitude.  
  • Expressing Gratitude is an Act of Kindness: You can fill up other peoples 'buckets' with gratitude.
  • It Feels Good to Thank Community Friends: You can build good friendships and happy communities with gratitude.
  • Gratitude Feels Good and Builds a Friendly Community

A note for the parents from Vanessa:

Get your free pdf of the Youth Gratitude Project’s preschool curriculum as soon as it is released!

Vanessa apologizes because her email was somehow disabled last night.  

If you sent her an email request for the preschool curriculum, she didn’t receive it.  

Please resend your email address to and she will be sure to add you to the list!

Additional resources: