Outside the box

P.Diddy, Julia Child, Prince Harry, & Gabriel Garcia Marquez

What do Julia Child, P.Diddy, Prince Harry, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez have in common? Each holds an education inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori. It is exciting, and not all too surprising, to see that some of the most innovative and creative minds have been taught using the very methods used here at Nia House.

 “Is it a coincidence that many of the mavericks on the leading edge of innovation and creativity in our culture are Montessori graduates? To the millions of Montessori students, families and supporters around the world, the answer is obvious. Montessori offers an education for life – and with that come the skills needed to succeed in our ever changing global society.”


Here’s a list of some famous Montessori educated people:

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Founders of Google

Sean Combs, Puff Daddy

Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder

Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia

Julia Child, chef

Steph Curry, NBA superstar

There are more! To see a longer list, check out:


“When Barbara Walters, who interviewed Google founders Messrs. Page and Brin in 2004, asked if having parents who were college professors was a major factor behind their success, they instead credited their early Montessori education.  ‘We both went to Montessori school,’ Mr. Page said  ‘and I think it was part of that training of not following rules and orders, and being self-motivated, questioning what’s going on in the world, doing things a little bit differently.’”


We are incredibly eager to see what will become of our current Nia House students and will soon share the accomplishments of some our graduates. Stay tuned.

Pictures taken from:

Julia Child  

Puff Daddy

Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

Prince William and Prince Harry

Maria Montessori