Steph made the Nia House gardens grow. She brought tap dancing, story, song, Hamburger, art, the ukulele, deep respect for the children, and an embodiment of Dr. Maria Montessori's teachings. Steph will leave a deep imprint on the Nia House community as the first teacher to many children, a trusted colleague, and a dear friend.
Today, Steph will share with the children that this Friday, December 22nd will be her last day at Nia House. Steph will read The Invisible String by Patrice Karst. This story reminds us that even when we are not together, a bond, or invisible string keeps us connected in our hearts.
“People who love each other are always connected by a very special String, made of love. Even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you can feel it deep in your heart, and know that you are always connected to the ones you love.”
We love you, Steph. We wish you and your family an easy transition into your life's next chapter. All are welcome to join in a Goodbye Circle at this Friday's Birthday Party at 4pm.