Capital Campaign

Decorative Cement Walkways

A group of three children and a teacher went on a neighborhood stroll to collect leaves. With the help of Scott, Esme’s dad, and with the natural falling of leaves from our avocado tree, the collected and fallen leaves laid in the wet cement of our campus walkway. (Yes, the cement mixers returned!) Beautiful leaf imprints now adorn the walkways of our new toddler campus. It is easy and exciting to imagine the toddlers thrill at discovering these. This will happen so soon!

Groundbreaking Ceremony

On Friday night, we celebrated with the school community during Nia House’s official Ground Breaking Ceremony. Mayor Tom Bates, Senator Loni Hancock, Nia House Founder Tia Waller and Board President Jeff Vincent helped commemorate the event, offering words of encouragement and recognition of Nia House’s journey.

Throughout the Ground Breaking Ceremony, families participated in a photo shoot with the plan of including their photos in our very own Nia House time capsule. If you missed our Ceremony and still want to participate in the time capsule, please get in touch- we’d love to include you!

Thanks to everyone who helped celebrate our ground breaking. What a weekend it’s been! Special thanks to the Ridolfi family for baking the ceremonial cupcakes.