Board of Directors

Time to Vote

The children at Nia House recently took the time to nominate names and cast votes for our chick. The name Fluff won!

It is now your turn, parent community, to cast your votes for the Nia House Board of Directors. 

Vote on Wednesday (tomorrow), June 14th from 7:30am-5pm. 

For information on your candidates and to cast your vote, click on the voting guide below. 

Thank you for supporting Nia House!

Nia House Board of Directors 2016-2017

Thank you to all the Board Candidates and to the Nia House community for taking the time to consider and vote for Nia House's Board of Directors for 2016-2017. 

Each candidate that ran brought so much heart, commitment and their unique skill sets to serve our community. Thank you for this.

It was a very close race! I am happy to announce the folks you have all elected to serve Nia House!

Parent Representatives

  • Loris Mattox
  • Jeff Vincent
  • Miriam Persley
  • John Marshall

Community Representatives

  • Jolie Coursin
  • Cindy Tsai-Schultz

Staff Representative

  • Nicole Dixon