Bike to School

Bike Safety with Children

For many Nia House families, bike to school day is everyday! We are so proud to be a school community that celebrates and supports this healthy and fun form of transportation.

Getting your child to ride places takes some preparation, planning, and practice. Our school community has an amazing resource- The Family Bike Collective & Spokes Bike Lounge, run by Katherine’s parents, Pearly and Brian. “The Family Bike Collective is dedicated at getting children on bikes that match their sizes, personalities and lifestyles.” The Family Bike Collective offers training wheel liberation classes- a riding opportunity where children are paired with bikes that fit their size and fun filled instruction!

We encourage those of you that can to bike to Nia House on Thursday, May 9th. We will have totes, stickers, bread, & coffee!

Take the pledge to ride on May 9th and find out about all the fun happenings for this Bike to School Day.

Celebrate Bike to School Day with Nia House!

Thursday, May 11th is Bike to School Day

Here are two fun ways you can participate:

Nia House is an Energizer Station.

Bike to school!

We'll have goodie bags from Bike East Bay, Acme bread/toppings. and Highwire Coffee, plus, special for Nia student cyclists, frozen melon balls! 

Join the evening Kidical Mass bike ride from Nia House to San Pablo Park. 


We'll leave at 5:15 pm and bike as a group to the playground at the south end of the park, where we'll have a picnic dinner. 

Please RSVP to me ( for the ride (or just the picnic). The more merrier!

We'll be joined by the owner of the Spokes Family Bike Collective. He will bring along several kid bikes for children to try at the park!

Show your Nia House pride by wearing a new Nia House shirt for the event. On sale in the office. 

Looking forward to a great Bike to School Day!