We Work Outside

Nia House loves outdoor learning and we are blessed with a campus to make it happen.

How, you might wonder, does Nia House foster outdoor learning for 5 different classes while also maintaining space and avoiding cross over between classes?

Let’s look at a map of our grounds first. See all that green! We have a lot of outside space to work with.

The second map divvies up and names parts of the yard. Our small classes take turns rotating through parts of the yard to ensure that each group gets a chance to run, climb, dig, jump, ride, explore, create & more.

The chart shows the amount of time day and where on the campus each class can spend outside. Sometimes classes swap spaces, but this gives us a framework to optimize our ample outdoors.

We also have the crucial task of caring for our rabbits and chickens. This is a favorite outdoor work for many children!

We hold deep hope that the air quality allows us to stay outside!

Helpful Tips for Talking with Young Children about the Fire


As with all scary times, it is the work of the parent and adults to create a sense of safety for children. You can tell your children- “I will always work to keep you safe. Your teachers and the parents at Nia House are also people in our community that will keep you safe. Lucky us! We have so many people to love us and keep us safe.”

Thankfully, Berkeley/Oakland is currently not experiencing an imminent threat of wildfire danger. Though we likely all know friends and family that are impacted. All of us are under these smokey skies and it impacts our personal sense of safety and wellness. This is also true for our children.

The following article is specific to wildfire, so it is not totally relatable for all in our community. Most of us are not confronting evacuation, so this would be an unnessary and anxiety inducing detail to share with children. We can likely substitue fire with smoke to better contextualize or relate to the article’s content.

Helpful Tips for Talking with Young Children about the Fire

By Resa Hayes, MA, NCC, LPC

This is a difficult time for our community and many want to know how to help and what to say. Parents may be asking how to talk to and comfort their children, and we want to provide some guidance. Our children, just like us, wonder about safety, belongings, animals and friends. We can help our kids by giving them a better understanding of wild fires, their place in the world, and how this disaster, in particular, is being handled. Our children have likely heard about it on television, from friends, through conversations taking place around them, or even seen the destruction first hand. It is important to take some time to listen to them and help them process these events. Please don’t just assume your child is doing well, or that you can protect them from the fear we are all experiencing.

Here are some tips for talking to them and helping them understand the events:

Be Proactive in Talking to Children About Wildfires

Don’t shy away from having a conversation with your children about the fire. Arrange a time that you can engage in a conversation with them, uninterrupted and without distraction. An easy conversation starter can be, “I bet you have some questions about the fire and I would really like to hear them. Can we sit down and talk about it a bit?”

Assess what your child already knows (or doesn’t know)

Before talking to your child, ask him/her questions to help you understand what she/he already knows. This will help you understand her/his concerns, questions, feelings and even misconceptions.

Listen to your child’s questions with curiosity rather than with the urge to immediately soothe

Children will likely have many questions when a natural disaster occurs. “How does a wild fire happen? What happened to the people living in Napa (Big Basin etc. editited by NH) ? Will it happen to us? When will our house be safe?” Normalize this curiosity and concern by saying things like “I can understand why you would want to know that. That’s a good question.” When you answer use a calm, reassuring voice. Use simple, clear, consistent language. After answering, check in with your child to make sure he/she understood. If your child still does not understand try different, but still concrete, easy-to-understand language, until your child grasps the concept.

Normalize the curiosity and concern

Say things like “I can understand why you would want to know that. That’s a good question. Let me try to help you understand it a bit more.” Let them know that their questions are appropriate and important. Be prepared to repeat information and explanations several times. Some information may be hard to accept or understand. Asking the same question over and over may also be a way for a child to ask for reassurance.

Reassure your child to help him/her feel safe

Inform your child of your family’s safety plan in case of a wild fire. For example: “Mommy and Daddy have a plan to keep us safe if there is ever a fire near our house. The fire department and safety personnel helped us carry our plan out yesterday and it worked well.” Having fire drills once per year can also reassure your child that if another fire were to occur, she would be safe. You can also express the skill, courage, and commitment that our firefighters and safety personnel are displaying at this time. “Last night the fire was very dangerous, and the firefighters were still able to keep our community safe. They will continue to do this, they are working right now to see what needs to happen next to keep us safe. They are experts at their job and mom/dad trust them.”

Demonstrate calm

Children often pick up on their parents’ feelings. If you seem panicked or anxious, your child is likely to react in similar ways. Model a calm, matter-of-fact demeanor to show your child that your family is safe. If you need support yourself, don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends. It can be helpful to have this kind of separate space to discuss your own emotions.

Be honest with kids when talking about wildfires

Honesty is key when answering questions. Some parents may want to keep some information from their children to protect them. They might say, for example: “The fire didn’t hurt anything” or “The fire was always under control.” This risks your child hearing about these details elsewhere. This could confuse your children and lead them to conclude that they cannot trust what you say. If you do not know the answer to a question, do not hesitate to tell your child. You can even look for answers together, which can also help your child feel safe and comforted.

Explore your child’s feelings and provide validation and comfort

Children may feel a variety of emotions, such as fear, confusion, anxiety, guilt, and sadness. Some children may not openly talk about their feelings during this time, but that does not necessarily mean they are not thinking about it. When your child does share his/her feelings with you, provide empathy, acknowledgment, and validation. In an effort to comfort their child, some parents may inadvertently minimize their child’s feelings by saying things like “You have nothing to be scared of.” A better alternative is to empathize with her feelings first and then offer reassurance. One example is: “I can understand why you would be scared that our home could burn or we may have to evacuate without our pets. I want you to know that there is only a very small chance that would happen. And if something happens, we have a plan to keep us safe. Would you like to hear about the plan that we have made?”

 Help your child feel part of the supportive community

Practice Gratitude to combat Fear. When it is appropriate, you may want to take your children to the fire station, or FEMA headquarters, to meet the heroes, express gratitude, and ask questions. This will help them feel like they are a part of the support. They may feel a sense of confidence and pride, they will see that we are in good hands, and they can experience the heroism of our community; emotions that can replace some of the fear and anxiety.

When in doubt remember these helpful words from Mr. Rogers:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Getting Ready to Return to School

Sarah Dobkin, LCSW, shares ways to ready your child for their return to school. As you may recall, Sarah spoke twice to our Nia House parent community during our school closure/distance learning. In these blogs, she offers specific strategies and activities to ready you & your little ones.

Thank you, Sarah!


Picture from https://www.sarahdobkinlcsw.com/

Picture from https://www.sarahdobkinlcsw.com/

Black Owned Bookstores & Anti-racist books for children

Let’s keep on raising children that are aware of race, with strong senses of identity, with pride in who they are, and with a spirit of activism and peace!

Thank you to our teacher, Kendall, who compiled this wonderful resource of children’s books for the youngest of children and California black-owned bookstores for us to support.

Black-owned bookstores in California:

Ashay By The Bay 

1411 Webster Street Oakland, CA 

Online bookstore:


Marcus Books 

3900 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Oakland, CA 94609

The Multicultural Children’s Bookstore

2325 Hilltop Mall Rd. Richmond, CA 94806


Underground Books in Sacramento, CA

Online bookstore:


Eso Won Books in Los Angeles, CA

Online bookstore:


Shades of Afrika in Long Beach, CA

Online bookstore:


Other independent Black-owned bookstores to support!


Freedom Fridays-4.png

As the nation is rising up against historical and current racism, those of us with younger children–particularly Black children–are trying to find our place in all this. Many of us want to be involved, but the burden of childcare in the pandemic is overwhelming. We need protests where we can take our children and be confident that

  • we and our children will be safe from further police violence

  • young people are getting age-appropriate messages about these injustices and the movement that is fighting for Black lives

  • young Black people are in positions of visibility and leadership

  • The experience includes fun, joy, and an opportunity to be out of our houses

  • people will be taking COVID precautions.

FREEDOM FRIDAYS is an opportunity for young people to see themselves reflected in leadership, and for Black youth to see themselves in the center. Our speakers and performers will all be young people.

Participants are instructed to wear masks and maintain social distancing.

We will assemble under the Fairyland sign near Grand & Harrison. Young people will address the crowd. Then we will assemble and march. Young people, particularly youth of color up front. We will march and chant. People are invited to walk, bike, skate, or push strollers Bring drums, bubbles, and chalk.

ROUTE: The entire route is about one mile long. We will march down the protected bike lane on Harrison and then on the sidewalk to keep our young people safe. Finally, we will cross one street, to get to the Alameda County Courthouse. Once there, we will finish by having young people chalk messages that relate to our demands, which are the demands of the Movement for Black Lives:

  • Defund Police

  • Invest in Black communities

  • Remove Donald Tr*mp

We will be building momentum throughout the summer as the uprising continues. We plan to hold FREEDOM FRIDAYS: Family Walk and Chalk for Black Lives every Friday at 4pm through the end of July, but we may continue afterwards, if momentum builds. Watch this space for updates.


We're STILL Being Careful by Sarah Dobkins, LCSW

Thank you again to Sarah Dobkins for supporting our parent community through MAJOR life transitions.

Sarah has authored an interactive children’s story that your child can help illustrate. This story will help navigate some of the challenging Covid concepts of safety. Find her story here.

If your family would like more professional support from Sarah Dobkins please do reach out. Sarah Dobkins specializes in serving children 0-5 and their parents. Find out more about Sarah here.





Though every family’s needs are different, here are some ways  to begin addressing race with children that Nia House employs:

1-    Books- Share books with diverse representations of children in their families and community. This can be simple board books that reflect diversity to more detailed stories. Make sure books show empowered characters of color. Stories can show people of color that are artists, scientists, fathers, mothers, friends, and more. Books lists are provided below.

2-    Name Race-  It is a gift to have a community to draw upon that reflects such diversity. Here is how a beginning conversation might go..

“Skin has melanin. Some people have more melanin than others. People that have more melanin have ancestors that come from hotter places. The melanin protects their skin from the sun. People with less melanin have ancestors from milder climates. More melanin protects from the hot sun and less melanin allows for more sun absorption.”

Do not shy away from talking about our differences. The Colors of Us is a lovely children’s book that explores all the beautiful shades of brown in a child’s community.

3-    Injustice- Begin conversations about fairness. Your talk might sound like this…

“Historically, or a long time ago and even today, people are working as teachers and as freedom fighters so that all people- all our friends, neighbors, and community members, especially people of color (people with more melanin- shades of brown), are treated with love, kindness, and equity. There are some rules and some people (who are still learning) that make the world unfair. In our family and our community, we will always be teachers of peace. We will always work to keep one another safe and loved.”

Books that explore injustice in age appropriate ways are listed below.

4-    Action- Make art or a sign to demonstrate solidarity and hang it in your home window. Write a letter to your mayor or representative on an issue of fairness. Make friends with a diverse group of people. Donate money and time to causes that empower the wellness of our local community’s people of color.


Like all parts of our curriculum, we know that topics need to be revisited and represented over and over again. There is no one lesson or talk that will instill understanding of this very complex and deeply emotional work. Children and adults will need to keep learning and growing our social justice practices.

We recognize there is an abundance of resources out in the world. This is a very modest and hopefully manageable beginning. 

 Book lists for children:

Books for Littles on Diversity

Children’s books to support conversations on race

Oakland Library Booklist on Race and Justice by age group


Resources on Social Justice and Education: 

The Center for Racial Justice in Education

For White Folks

Guide to Allyship

Dr. Ali Michael


 Additional articles you might find helpful: 

"Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup"

Trevor Noah addresses riots, police brutality, social justice and more

How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change 

Dear Nia House friends and families,

We, the Nia House teachers and staff, stand in solidarity and love with our Black community members. We condemn the violent mistreatment of the Black community by the police and the prevalence of institutional racial prejudice.

In light of the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many others that have died due to systemic racism, we deepen our spirit of teaching as activism and empowerment. We are committed to creating a community that addresses race, matters of equity, justice, empathy, peace and kindness. These values are Nia House’s foundation, mission, and are imbued in our daily practices.

 “Whereas non-racists merely profess tolerant attitudes and think everyone should be treated equally, anti-racists not only acknowledge that not everyone is treated equally but work ‘daily [and] vigilantly’ (hooks 1995:158) to combat this inequality.”

-Eileen O’Brien


At Nia House, we believe that in order for social justice to grow, we must teach it early, nurture it as a safe daily practice, and that it be a community effort. We urge each of you  to discuss race, systems of oppression, and stories of liberation and activism with your children. And to model empathy, friendship, activism, and solidarity.  Discussing race, systemic inequality, and continued resistance and activism is a tangible action each of us can take to support and grow the movement for Black Lives Matter. Talk with your children, talk with each other. While it may seem challenging to have these discussions, this moment is a profound opportunity for healing and for liberation, and now is the time to take this moment and plant the seeds for the movement. 

Below are resources and 4 Practices to Introduce Race and Justice into your home.

With love and in solidarity,

Your Nia House Staff and Teachers


40+ Children's Books about Human Rights & Social Justice

Though we posted this blog in 2016, it feels a good time to bring it back.

Thank you, Monisha, for sharing your spirit of activism, education, love of literature, and passion for parenting the next generation of freedom fighters with Nia House. We hope these books will be inspirational to the community.

blog by: Monisha Bajaj

An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves … the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.

— Maria Montessori, Education and Peace

Young people have an innate sense of right and wrong, fair and unfair.  Explaining the basics of human rights in age appropriate ways with stories and examples can set the foundation for a lifelong commitment to social responsibility and global citizenship. 

As a parent to a preschooler and a professor of peace and human rights education, here are my top picks for children's books that discuss important issues—and that are visually beautiful. Some of the books listed offer an overview of rights; the majority show individuals and organizations past and present who have struggled to overcome injustices. All offer different levels of child-friendly images, concepts and text. 

With my son who is 3, sometimes we will skip certain passages or pages, but introducing him to books like the ones listed below that include characters of different races, religions, genders, abilities, sexual orientations, and other backgrounds at an early age will hopefully lay the foundation for deeper engagement with these texts and issues later on. Lately, he has been making tea in his play kitchen for Martin Luther King Jr. and the other day asked about Nelson Mandela’s grandchildren.

Some of these books are on our shelf at home, others we have found at the library or at friends’ houses.

What’s on your list of go-to books for talking about human rights and social justice issues with your children? Let’s keep the list growing in the comments section below!

**These books should be easily searchable, and I’ve created a book list on Amazon.com at this link with all the books mentioned in this post.

The Right to Equality & Peace

 1. We are all Born Free by Amnesty International

About the basics of human dignity as elaborated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2. Whoever you Are by Mem Fox

About the common humanity we all share regardless of race, color, religion, nationality, gender, ability or sexual orientation

3. Can you Say Peace?  By Karen Katz

A book about how peace looks in different countries around the world and a celebration of September 21 – the date the United Nations has declared the International Day of Peace

4. A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara

A colorful board book with an introduction to speaking up and acting for social change whether related to LGBTQ rights, racial justice, or sustainability.

The Right to Education

 5. Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation by Duncan Tonatiuh

About the landmark 1947 case fought by a Latino family to desegregate whites-only schools in California that served as a precursor to the Brown vs. Board decision in 1954.

6. Malala, a Brave Girl from Pakistan/Iqbal, a Brave Boy from Pakistan: Two Stories of Bravery by Jeanette Winter

About two young advocates for educational rights who were both attacked in Pakistan—Malala Yousafzai and the lesser-known Iqbal Masih. While Iqbal didn’t survive the attack on him, Malala went on to advocate for the right to education for girls worldwide and win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

7. The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles

About a young woman at the forefront of school desegregation in 1960 after the Brown vs. Board. The book shows her fortitude in enduring harassment from angry mobs to get a quality education.

8. Waiting for BiblioBurro by Monica Brown (author) and John Parra (illustrator)

Inspired by the real-life story of Luis Soriano, who started a mobile library with donkeys carrying hundreds of books over long distances for children in rural areas of Colombia.

The Right to Migrate and Seek Asylum

9. Mama’s Nightingale by Edwidge Danticat (author) and Leslie Staub (illustrator)

Written by award-winning Haitian-American novelist, Edwidge Danticat, this book is about a family separated by the U.S. immigration system and how love transcends borders and orders of deportation.

10. Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale by Duncan Tonatiuh

Young Pancho the Rabbit misses his father who has gone north and sets out to find him, but encounters a coyote whose help comes at a high cost. This book introduces the hardships that thousands of migrant families face.

11. Four Feet, Two Sandals by Karen Lynn Williams and Khadra Mohammed (authors)

About two girls who share a pair of sandals in a refugee camp for Afghans on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, offering a humanizing glimpse into life in a refugee camp.

12. Brothers in Hope: The Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan by Mary Williams (author) and R. Gregory Christie (illustrator)

About the lost boys of Sudan who walked long distances for freedom, and were resettled as refugees in the U.S.

The Right to Equal Treatment based on Race, Caste or Ethnicity

13. Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson

A beautifully-illustrated book about the life of South African human rights activist, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and first President of post-Apartheid South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

14.  Ambedkar: The Fight for Justice by Durgabhai Vyam

About the life of by Bhim Rao Ambedkar, a human rights activist who came from a Dalit family (formerly called “untouchable”) and became the first Law Minister of India after independence. He drafted India’s Constitution and was a leading voice against caste discrimination.

 15. Grandfather Gandhi by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus (Authors), andEvan Turk (Illustrator)  

A book about Mohandas Gandhi, leader of India’s freedom struggle against the British, told through the voice of his grandson. His nonviolent resistance to oppression inspired movements across the world, such as the U.S. civil rights movement.

16. If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks by Faith Ringold

A book about Rosa Parks, an activist who led the boycott of the Montgomery bus system, in order to advance civil rights in the U.S.

17. Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Doreen Rappaport (Author), Bryan Collier (Illustrator)

 & I Have a Dream (book & CD) by Bernice King (author) & Kadir Nelson (illustrator)

 & for children 12+, March, a trilogy of graphic novels by John Lewis

Books about Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader of the U.S. civil rights movement, whose vision for racial and economic justice continues to inspire social action today.

Women’s Rights & Inspiring Activists

18. Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries who Shaped our History… and Our Future by Kate Schatz and Miriam Klein Stahl

19. Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries who Shaped History  by Kate Schatz and Miriam Klein Stahl

These two beautiful books offer information on a wide range of amazing women—from athletes to activists to artists to politicians—that we all should know. The U.S. book focuses on women past and present (A is for Angela Davis, Y is for Yuri Kochiyama), who have radically transformed society. The global book introduces us to many women, and also offers a long list at the end of women to explore further – great for future book reports and projects.

20. Grace for President by Kelly S. DiPucchio (Author), LeUyen Pham (Illustrator)

After learning that a woman has never been President (written in 2012), Grace deicdes to launch her political career in a school election.

21. My Name is Gabriela/Me llamo Gabriela: The Life of Gabriela Mistral/la vida de Gabriela Mistral by Monica Brown (Author) and John Parra (Illustrator)

This book is about Gabriela Mistral, a Chilean poet and educator who was the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. She worked with the League of Nations and advocated for education for all children.

LGBTQ Rights

22. I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings (Authors), Shelagh McNicholas (Illustrator)

This book tells the real life story of Jazz Jennings’ experience as a transgender child. An important read about trans children and how to support them.

23. And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell (Authors), Henry Cole (Illustrator)

A story about two penguins, Roy and Silo, who with the help of a friendly zookeeper, welcome a baby of their own.

24. This Day in June by Gayle E. Pitman (Author), Kristyna Litten (Illustrator)

A colorful book celebrating LGBTQ history with a glimpse into the struggles for greater equality. The handy note to parents and caregivers offers additional ways of addressing issues of sexual orientation with young children.

The Right to Fair Working Conditions

25. Joelito’s Big Decision by Ann Berlak

This book presents the dilemma faced by 9-year old Joelito: whether to eat at his favorite restaurant when the workers are being mistreated and protesting outside.

26. ¡Si, Se Puede! / Yes, We Can!: Janitor Strike in L.A. by Diana Cohn (Author), Francisco Delgado (Illustrator)

This book tells the story of the successful janitor strike in LA through the voice of Carlitos whose mom works at night cleaning office buildings.

27. Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull and Yuyi Morales

& Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez by Monica Brown (author) and Joe Cepeda (illustrator)

These two books about the United Farm Workers movement led by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta introduce young people to the rights of agricultural workers, and the immigrants who often toil in harsh conditions to produce the food we eat.  

Disability Rights

28. Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah by Laurie Ann Thompson (Author) and Sean Qualls (Illustrator)

The real-life story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a young man from Ghana, born with a disability and, with the support of his family, attended school, became a cyclist and earned international fame for his achievements.

29. My Friend Suhana: A Story of Friendship and Cerebral Palsy by Shaila Abdullah and Aanyah Abdullah (Authors)

A book about finding friendship and unconditional love, co-written by the author’s then 10-year old daughter.

30. Helen’s Big World: The Life of Helen Keller by Doreen Rappaport (Author), Matt Tavares (Illustrator)

A biography about Helen Keller, a deaf and blind U.S. author and political activist who was a co-founded of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

31. Ed Roberts: Father of Disability Rights by Diana Pastora Carson (Author)

This book offers a glimpse the work and contributions of Ed Roberts, who became a quadriplegic at the age of 14 due to polio and later an effective advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.

Environmental Rights

32. Mama Miti by Donna Jo Napoli and Kadir Nelson

A book about environmental activist and Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Kenya, Wangari Maathai.

33. The Earth Book by Todd Parr

A simple board book about how we can take care of our planet and be responsible citizens of the earth.

34. Call Me Tree / Llamame Arbol & I Know the River Loves Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez (Author, Illustrator)

Two bilingual (Spanish/English) book about connecting with nature—trees and rivers—and becoming your true self.

35. One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul and Elizabeth Zunon

A true story about one woman’s actions to address the waste and environmental harm caused by plastic bags.

Living Amidst Conflict/Violence: Past or Present

36. Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story from Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine (Author) and Kadir Nelson (Illustrator)

A story about a young enslaved boy who doesn’t know his birthday and goes on a quest for freedom.

37. Fish for Jimmy: Inspired by One Family's Experience in a Japanese American Internment Camp by Katie Yamasaki

About two Japanese-American boys living in an internment camp after the U.S. went to war with Japan.

38. The Butterfly by Patricia Polacco  

About the friendship of two girls that forms as one’s family is hiding in the other’s house from the Nazis during World War II in France.

39. Chachaji's Cup by Uma Krishnaswami (Author) and Soumya Sitaraman (Illustrator)

A story about a boy’s relationship with his great uncle who has lived through the violent partition of India and Pakistan. There is also a note at the end with information about the partition.

40.  The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq by Jeanette Winter (Author)

A true story about a woman’s fight to save her community’s thousands of books from violence and war.