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As the nation is rising up against historical and current racism, those of us with younger children–particularly Black children–are trying to find our place in all this. Many of us want to be involved, but the burden of childcare in the pandemic is overwhelming. We need protests where we can take our children and be confident that

  • we and our children will be safe from further police violence

  • young people are getting age-appropriate messages about these injustices and the movement that is fighting for Black lives

  • young Black people are in positions of visibility and leadership

  • The experience includes fun, joy, and an opportunity to be out of our houses

  • people will be taking COVID precautions.

FREEDOM FRIDAYS is an opportunity for young people to see themselves reflected in leadership, and for Black youth to see themselves in the center. Our speakers and performers will all be young people.

Participants are instructed to wear masks and maintain social distancing.

We will assemble under the Fairyland sign near Grand & Harrison. Young people will address the crowd. Then we will assemble and march. Young people, particularly youth of color up front. We will march and chant. People are invited to walk, bike, skate, or push strollers Bring drums, bubbles, and chalk.

ROUTE: The entire route is about one mile long. We will march down the protected bike lane on Harrison and then on the sidewalk to keep our young people safe. Finally, we will cross one street, to get to the Alameda County Courthouse. Once there, we will finish by having young people chalk messages that relate to our demands, which are the demands of the Movement for Black Lives:

  • Defund Police

  • Invest in Black communities

  • Remove Donald Tr*mp

We will be building momentum throughout the summer as the uprising continues. We plan to hold FREEDOM FRIDAYS: Family Walk and Chalk for Black Lives every Friday at 4pm through the end of July, but we may continue afterwards, if momentum builds. Watch this space for updates.


Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974