Lemon Juicing with Esme and Moss
Meet Laura & Make Pesto!
Meditate with Natasha- Meditation & Read Alouds LIVE - MWF @ 1PM
Exercise with Sovann and Sambo
Snack Preparation with Kendall
Kirie's Fast 1-1 Correspondence
Carlin's Picnic
Stacey's Dog, Gideon
Alexis brushes her dogs teeth!
Waterworks with Sydnee and Esme
Supplies Needed:
· Designated work space
· 2 bowls (similar in size)
· Water
· Sponge
· Rag or towel (for clean-up)
Directions (all of these can be done by your child):
1. Find a work space that you do not mind getting wet.
2. Fill up one of the bowls, about halfway.
3. Place bowls side-by-side
4. Place sponge in the bowl with water.
5. Squeeze the sponge in the bowl with water, transfer the sponge to the empty bowl, and squeeze it again!
6. Continue until the empty bowl is filled with water, and the other bowl is empty.
Objectives of this work:
· Practices dexterity, fine motor skills
· Helps child practice clean up water messes
· Child gets a visual of moving the water from one bowl to the next
· Sensory: child feels the temperature of water, water trickling from sponge to bowl
Sorting with Hye-In
Money with Esme and Moss
Apple Cutting with Abraham
For Parents (but your children will enjoy!) Build an At-Home Toddler Work
Virtual Parent Meeting
What a treat to “see” so many of you at our first virtual Parent Meeting! You are all truly missed.
We are inspired by your commitment to supporting your children and to staying connected during this challenging time of uncertainty.
Last night’s parent meeting can be found here:
Organizing Montessori Morning Work Periods at Home
Your teachers are listening to you. We will weave in your concerns at home into weekly Parent Meetings.
Stay tuned as Nia House shifts into this new learning paradigm.
Find the Sphere with Stacey
Laura sings: La bella lavanderina
La bella lavanderina che lava i fazzoletti
The beautiful laundress who washes the napkins
Per i poveretti della città
For the poor people of the town
Fai un salto, fanne un altro
Make one jump, make one other
Fai la giravolta, falla un'altra volta
Make the twirl, make it another time
Guarda in su, guarda in giù
Look up, look down
Dai un bacio a chi vuoi tu
Give a kiss to who you want
Animals of Nia House
By: Sydnee Richmond
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well, staying positive, and staying healthy! For this activity, you can discuss with your family some fun facts about our beloved friends at Nia House. They miss you all and cannot wait for you to be back! If you have any questions, comments, or even corrections please feel free to contact me! I hope you all enjoy learning more about our Nia House Animals!
Name: Passion Fruit
Breed of Chicken: Lohmann Brown Chicken
Passion Fruit is one of our larger, red-brown chickens we have here at Nia House. Passion Fruit is considered a “teenager.” She loves to walk around on the grass as well as hang out in the chicken coop.
Name: Zebra
Breed of Chicken: Plymouth Rock Chicken
Zebra is also one of our larger chickens at Nia House and, you guessed it, looks like a zebra! She is black and white and has a beautiful textured print to her feathers. You can find her in the grass with Passion Fruit or in the chicken coop.
Name: Bone
Breed of Chicken: Buff Orpington
Bone is one of the two smaller chickens at Nia House and she is the best flyer and jumper of the four. She has smooth feathers and is yellow, orange, and white in color. Bone loves to walk around in the garden behind the sand box and loves to dig in the dirt!
Name: Honey Fluff
Breed of Chicken: Half Silky
Honey Fluff is the most distinct chicken of the four, as she is very fluffy and has some rough-looking feathers. She is the shortest of the four and you can usually find her rolling in the dirt in one of the planters. Honey Fluff and Bone are very good friends.
Name: Angel Fish
Type of Fish: Angelfish
Angel is a solo fish in her tank and is a larger, white fish. She has two grey stripes and has very large eyes! Angelfish are very smart in nature and actually recognize their owners. She loves to swim past the children as they wave to her in Alexis’s class.
Name: Too many to name!
Type of Fish: Platy Fish
These fish live in Amanda’s classroom and there are a lot of them! These little fish are yellow, black, orange, and white in color. They originate from Central America and the male fish are smaller and brighter in color than the female fish.
Name: Freya and Bay
Type of Bunny: Holland Lop
Freya and Bay used to not get along very well, but have adapted very nicely to being coopmates. They live in their coop behind the playhouse and have lots of hay to comfort them. They eat many greens, such as carrot tops and lettuce, and the children love to come around and “feed” them hay they find in the yard. Freya is our white lop ear and Bay is our brown lop ear. These two are very soft and are in the preschool yard.
Holland Lops are often highly active, are energetic and playful, and love cat toys, which keep them entertained and happy.
Holland Lops originate in the Netherlands and can live to be 10 years old.
For more information on Holland Lop rabbit behavior, click here.
Name: Hamburger
Breed of Tortoise: Russian Tortoise
Hamburger is our tortoise that lives in his terrarium in Ayako’s classroom. He eats lots of leafy greens and loves to nuzzle in the dirt. The light in his terrarium is called a UVB light and, just like all reptiles, Hamburger needs it to produce Vitamin D3, calcium, and other nutrients.
The popular Russian tortoise is a small tortoise native to many different countries—not just Russia, but also Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and others. It prefers a generally dry climate with seasonal variations in temperature from hot to quite cold, well below freezing.
It is thought that in the wild, Russian tortoises’ activity levels are at their peak for only about three months of the year. They will sometimes spend more than six months hibernating through cold temperatures, and during the peak of the hot season they will dig in and aestivate, often without moving for weeks at a time in order to avoid the extreme heat at the surface. They are most active, therefore, early in the spring, when reproductive efforts take place, followed by a period in the fall when they spend time fattening themselves up prior to the long winter ahead.