Waterworks with Sydnee and Esme

water works.jpg

Supplies Needed:

·      Designated work space

·      2 bowls (similar in size)

·      Water

·      Sponge

·      Rag or towel (for clean-up)

Directions (all of these can be done by your child):

1.    Find a work space that you do not mind getting wet.

2.   Fill up one of the bowls, about halfway.

3.    Place bowls side-by-side

4.    Place sponge in the bowl with water.

5.    Squeeze the sponge in the bowl with water, transfer the sponge to the empty bowl, and squeeze it again!

6.    Continue until the empty bowl is filled with water, and the other bowl is empty.

Objectives of this work:

·      Practices dexterity, fine motor skills

·      Helps child practice clean up water messes

·      Child gets a visual of moving the water from one bowl to the next

·      Sensory: child feels the temperature of water, water trickling from sponge to bowl

Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974