Hamburger’s Outing

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Hello everyone!

Today I want to share a little story of Hamburger. Hamburger is a female Russian tortoise who lives in P.S.S. classroom. You might find her presenting herself in front of curious eyes of children at circle time. She gives invaluable lesson on how to make silence and use a watching body. She has an amazing power and charisma. She can even calm down a child who is having a big emotional outburst. When I speak to her, she listens to me and looks me in the eyes.(I'm not imagining that. It's true!) Overall she is purely awesome.

Many people might think that tortoises are slow and low energy animals. Well, not our Hamburger. She can move from one place to another in a jiffy! When she roams around in our classroom during the nap time, our non napper explorers are often in charge of keeping track of her movement because she moves so fast.

She is pretty chill and relaxed inside her small shelter, but She needs to go outside and get some exercise. So We visited Nia House to care for her last week. After she had a big bowl of fresh green salad for lunch, we took her out of the terrarium. She was ready for an expedition. 

She walked all over the yard. She ate a whole bunch of dandelion flowers which are her absolute favorite. The afternoon with Hamburger was relaxing. It let us hear the faintest sound we miss all the time. We listened to the sound of her feet rustling in the grass. We held our breath to hear her eat dandelion flowers. She gave me a chance to slow down and focus on what's in front of me. 

Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974