Reading Friends: REALM Charter School Partners with Nia House

REALM Charter School is a neighboring school on 8th Street for students in grades 6-12. A teacher of 9th graders reached out to us with the great idea of REALM students coming to read with Nia House’s children. As you might suspect- the Nia House children loved having highschoolers read to them.

In general, the children at Nia House flock toward anyone reading a book. However, having these people that look like adults, but are somehow not quite the same as their teachers or parents, was unique, special, and definitely cooler!

Nia House is excited to grow a partnership with REALM. We love the opportunity to connect with a school just a few blocks away, we welcome the oppprtunity to grow connections between our children and teenage mentors, and we always celebrate the joy of reading!

Thank you REALM reading volunteers for being leaders in our community.

Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974