Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are special times at our house. We are greeted in bed by our 3 and 6 yr olds! We aren’t in a hurry to eat, get dressed, grab lunch boxes and get out the door as part of our regular routine. So, It’s our time to relax. While in bed, we then discuss what we want to make together for breakfast. Most Sunday mornings the decision is bacon and eggs, pancakes, waffles or muffins. Willem and Evelyn are really great helpers (after some initial work!) and can almost make it themselves. They know most of the ingredients, where to get the mixing bowl and spoon, the measuring cups and stools or chairs so they can properly do their job! As they grow, their level of skill and independence has also increased. We then enjoy our delicious breakfast while we talk about our plans for the day. It’s a great way to start the morning!

Thank you, Jeff, Laurin, Willem, and Evelyn for sharing your Sunday morning with Nia House! It would be fun to hear from the community- How do you do Sundays?


Nia House

A Montessori Toddler & Preschool Program serving Berkeley since 1974