Program Overview



Nia House is inspired by the pioneering work of Dr. Maria Montessori. Nia is a Swahili word, meaning purpose. The purpose of our "house" (a reference to Dr. Montessori's "Children's House") is to provide a program that meets the needs of all children. We believe that given a properly prepared environment (both physical and social), the natural unfolding of the child will occur and their experiences with the world will be enriching and strengthening, allowing them to grow into successful adults.   


Our vision is for Nia House students, having gathered the tools to become independent lifelong learners who are ethically and environmentally aware, to become future leaders in a world wherein each person carries the values necessary for peace, harmony, and equality. 


Professionally trained Montessori teachers staff Nia House. The diversity of the staff provides an authentic reflection of the greater community. The harmony and cooperation of this diverse staff is an example to the children of how people of different backgrounds can respect each other and work in harmony.


Currently, Nia House receives funds from the City of Berkeley and parents’ fees. The City money fluctuates year to year and is targeted for poverty-level families. Nia House also provides financial aid to 51% of our families. Qualifications for financial aid is based on family size and income for those below the state median income. Nia House aims to support families who are struggling to economically stabilize their families.

Nia House is committed to socio-economic and racial equity. Click here to learn more about our Race Equity & Financial Aid Plan.